Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Jesus Has No Party Line- An original poem

Jesus Has No Party Line
He is not Red or Blue
He does not care what flag you wave
But asks you to be True

Be True to those who stand in need
To those without a voice
He wants you to love everyone
But, it must be Your Choice

He does not force your hand
To do His works and deeds
He cares more about your soul and heart
That's what the Bible reads

Jesus never pointed fingers
Like Pharisee of Old
He dined with sinners, the sick and lowly
No thought of wealth and Gold

He asks us to do many things 
To follow in His Walk
But, most of all (and most important)
Love others- Don't just Talk!

Never did He say to Us
Through secrets- Enter In
No handshakes, symbols and no oaths
Only Grace, Frees us from Sin

We who call ourselves his followers
Christians, disciples of the King
Must exit off our Horses on high
Our broken hearts We Bring

And Give Our will, our hearts desire
O'er to  what He's planned 
We must have faith and Trust
It's so much more that Grand

Though Tides will ebb and storms may rage
And Life at times unfair 
In valleys when we crack and break
The Light can enter there

We are Refined in fire and pain
The smelting of our souls
To be a kinder, gentler us
Eternal are His goals

See, Jesus Has no Party Line
Except He has His Own
In the sand He marks it out
The Line where Love is shown.

~Corrine Christian
copyright Jan.29.2019