Wednesday, July 10, 2024

It's Been forever...

 since I posted and DAMN- Time Flies! This is now going to transition to a spot for growth centric content and loads of love, fun, positive energy, Our adoption journeys are at an end for our family but, i still very much help where i can. It's been a bit since we've put on a birth moms retreat and i hope we can see that happening again in the future but right now- the economy is not is a great place. We are all holding onto our pennies, watching our spending habits and abstaining from things that we don't need. It's an election year and more shifts are bound to come.  What has changed since I last posted here? A TON!

We moved cities, bought a newer house , my siblings ( all but one) have also left the LDS faith behind, I started coaching volleyball again, started up a grassroots pops choir in my new town and have been working on living wholeheartedly. There have been many bumps and learning curves with myself , kids and marriage and ALL OF IT FOR LEARNING! I can't stress that Enough. We are humans wired for learning, connecting and change. My Bff is moving away soon and it breaks my heart but i know it's her next chapter. I'm forming new and deeper friendships here in the new town as well and ALL of my kids are embarking on the same journey as well. " Friends are the Family we Choose" There's light and love and grace in it all and so much more to come . 

My little life is for me to do with as i am compelled and currently i'm still engaging in adoption and post care for those who leave cults and extreme faiths behind and just 2 weeks ago a new set of birth parents placed a sweet baby girl with a lovely adoptive family bc of contacts made in this town i call home. It's brutally bittersweet and open adoption is just that . It's a Funeral and a Wedding all at Once!

Hold space for your people in your sphere. Share your love and light and i will do the same.