New Years Resolutions are all about making great changes, committing , and resolving to correct the things that are off in your life!
So, what are YOURS this year?
Are they about your physical body?
Using your talents more?
Being more charitable?
Accomplishing big goals in your work or life?
Sometimes we set goals that are just out of our control all together and we get disappointed when they don't happen! As far as adoption goes, we can't control all that much of the process but, Here's a few things you can ....
If you think your agency has forgotten you...GET in their face- in the most helpful and least obnoxious way possible- volunteer with outreach programs they might have, join FSA or similar adoption focused groups and get to know your adoption manager. They won't forget you if are around all the time. And when you are doing good things for others- good things will come your way too. It's true!
ALL 6 of the couples that are highly involved on the FSA boards- had placements in the last 18 months. Our funny saying is " if you want to adopt- get involved with FSA"- 4 of us have babies under 8 months and 2 of them are over one and another is on its way!
You can never do enough updates on it or your blog- keep it fresh- clean, fun and
true to who you are! No one wants to see PERFECT PASTED ON SMILES in every photo and plastic answers to what you think BP's might want to hear-
BE REAL and Genuine. If your pics are old or not very good- get new ones that are very eye catching and done by a pro! Makes a huge difference!
GIVE OF YOURSELF- Use your talents and energies to support GOOD THINGS, whether its helping in soup kitchens, with HS students in an after school program, in your churches and organizations- get busy and FORGET ABOUT WHAT YOU DON'T HAVE! Focus on what you DO HAVE and give of your time and talents liberally! You will find out more about who YOU are and at the same time by making a difference in your community! You never know the connections you will make that may bring other possibilities your way as well!
FIND PEACE IN YOUR JOURNEY- This is probably the most important part in your life right now if you are a waiting couple.
Coming to an understanding that GOD KNOWS WHAT YOU NEED WHEN YOU NEED IT, can be difficult for many people. It's excruciating when you are aching for a child to fill your empty arms, or trying to remedy the feeling of someone missing in your incomplete family but, YOU MUST ACCEPT, EMBRACE, then CHANGE the things or feelings that are making you upset, angry or disappointed. The Lord doesn't want you to sit around and pout or ask Him " why me, why now, why not, why them and not us?" I think He wants us to LEARN OF HIM and HIS WAYS of teaching through trials, patience and faith so that we are more in tune and accepting of HIS WILL and HIS TIMING.
What i have been saying as of the last 4 months in reference to life and adoption is :
" I've decided to forget what i want and accept what He wants for me and my Family! I've jumped on board God's Roller Coaster and I'm letting him take me where I'm supposed to go!"And truly coming to this has been a great journey. I have such a peaceful feeling that I no longer have to feel like i'm in control of everything when we all know we are NOT! I trust In Our Father in Heaven and KNOW that HE kNOWS ME and KNOWS what's BEST FOR ME too! Such a great sense of serenity and love!
No matter the twists are turns and upside-down loops, I'm Hanging on and Enjoying the Ride!
I know that this is where I'm meant to be, right here and right now!---
May you all have a wonderful NEW YEAR and make those changes that are keeping you from finding Happiness! Love you all!----
PS. I turned the big 30 last Wednesday and Brielle (pictured above) turns 6 this coming Thursday! Man, time sure flies!!!