Sunday, August 22, 2010

Willing to Submit

So today's title might be an odd one for some but, I say willing to submit- not anyone's will but, God's!
I have realized that most of this process is completely out of our hands. We just have to have faith and be willing to submit to God's timeline and His plan for growing our family!
I know this is not news to some of you but, i have to say the WAIT is harder than you'd think- even with my 2 girls! Even though they are my kids- my heart goes out daily in hopes that today will be the day our Birth parents find us! Or today will be the day we get a call from Her or our Agency!

We feel so strongly that we are NOT supposed to sit around and just WAIT-we are to be actively searching, spreading the word about our decision to adopt again, and spreading the word about OPEN adoption as an option- where otherwise someone might terminate a pregnancy!

I hope you all get a good look at all the couples who are hoping to adopt on our blog and consider each one of them- even if just for a second! There are just so many amazing couples and so many amazing birth mothers who have found or will find their family!

For now, we will continue to advocate and share and love all those who are involved in the adoption triad and share the Good word of adoption where ever we go! And we will keep praying that our future birth parent will find our family- when she ready and when God's Ready! It's all about His time anyways!

tee shirt is available on

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