Our Family ~ Nov 2017

Our Family ~ Nov 2017

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Another Nephew...

Is on the way. Congrats to Brad and Tirza on your 3rd BOY! It's official- I still have no nieces!Yep now, including just my immediate family's kids there are 6 boys and our 2 girls. If you include our step siblings' kids there are 14 boys, 1 step-niece (haven't seen for 4 years and am not likely to get to see) and our 2 girls. We are strongly over-masculinated here! But, it's all good with me! If we have the privilege of adopting a boy- it will be our first and we will have tons of family to support us. If we are blessed enough to have another girl in our family- we'd be ready and It would be just as special, either way! She'd help off-set the number of boy cousins too! Either way- We'd be ecstatic.

At the upcoming Adoption Conference, there will be a family and birth mother speaking about their 12 yr. relationship- after placement. This family adopted 3 girls! Then, the birthmom had 3 girls of her own (one is also named Brielle which makes this my 2nd birthmom-friend who has a daughter with that name:) after graduating college and getting married to her sweetheart! Such amazing people. The Class is Open Adoption Success and there will be 2 open families speaking! It's totally a dream of mine and Brandon's to have another open adoption. Hopefully, God will grant us that someday again soon!

Even Better news- Our Navi can come home tomorrow. Our poor car has been away from us for way too long. We figured out all the insurance stuff today by getting on a 3-way call and getting down to business! And Brielle is feeling much better! Life is looking up and that's why is important to vent- then move on and do what you can do! Carry on!

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